To end the course, you need to provide SID, safekey, timeStamp, course ID, and return the instructions after execution.Note: if there is no class under the course, you can finish the course.If there are classes under the course that have not yet started, the classes that have not started will be deleted and the course will end. Please use this feature carefully
HTTP Request Methods #
Coding format #
- UTF-8
Request data #
key | Required | More Restrictions | Instructions | Description |
SID | Yes | Null | School ID | It is available through the application |
safeKey | Yes | Fixed 32-bit all lowercase characters | School authentication security key | safeKey=MD5(SECRET+timeStamp) |
timeStamp | Yes | Null | imestamp used by safeKey | Unix Epoch timeStamp is the number of seconds passed by 00:00 (world standard time) on January 1, 1970 |
courseId | Yes | Null | Course ID | Null |
Response data #
key | Type | Sample value | meaning |
error_info | object | Return message object | |
└ errno | number | 1 | Error code |
└ error | string | “Normal execution” | Error list |
Sample #
- HTTP request
POST /partner/api/course.api.php?action=endCourse HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Cache-Control: no-cache
- Shell cURL analog request instruction.
curl -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -X "POST" \
-d "SID=1234567" \
-d "safeKey=0f7781b3033527a8cc2b1abbf45a5fd2" \
-d "timeStamp=1484719085" \
-d "courseId=352855" \
Response sample(The normal return json
packet example) #
"error_info": {
"errno": 1,
"error": "程序正常执行"
Error Code Description #
Error Code | Description |
1 | Successful execution. |
100 | Incomplete or incorrect parameters. |
102 | No permission(Security verification failed.). |
104 | Operation failed(unknown error). |
114 | Server exception. |
144 | There is no such course in your institution. |
147 | No information about this course. |
149 | The course has been deleted. |
153 | The course has expired. |
369 | The course/lesson of this type(public course) cannot be operated. |
394 | The course has an ongoing lesson. Thus cannot be ended. |